On Fri, Aug 04, 2017 at 02:57:46PM +0300, Denis wrote:
> Trying to attach run(4) supported usb adapter to OpenBSD 6.0 amd 64

Please try -current. I will not look into bug reports for 6.0.
There are already too many bug reports I need to handle.

> During boot I see the message from kernel (not always, boot after boot):

We need a full dmesg as well for bug reports please.

> ------------------------------------------
> panic: attempt to execute user address 0x0 in supervisor mode
> Starting stack trace...
> panic() at panic+0x10b
> trap() at trap+0x7dd
> --- trap (number 6) ---
> param.c() at 0
> usb_task_thread() at usb_task_thread+0xb6
> end trace frame: 0x0, count: 253
> End of stack trace.
> syncing disks... 9 8 done
> sd detached
> -------------------------------------------

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