Hello Mike,

On Fri 11/08/2017 22:14, Mike Larkin wrote:
Well you didn't bother to explain what failed, so there's not much we can
do here. "resume from hibernate fails" doesn't give any useful information
for us to work with.

does it reboot?
does it try to unpack a hibernated image?
does it just boot normally after power on to a login prompt?


Sorry, I thought it was evident from the last lines of dmesg:

root on sd0a (ff014e14e96d5c40.a) swap on sd0b dump on sd0b
WARNING: / was not properly unmounted

so: it tries to unpack a hibernated image, but then it is like the previous hibernation didn't complete, since a fsck is forced.

But I was just reviewing this stuff, and can give some additional information: the IntelDRM doesn't play any roles here; actually what I'm observing is that an unmodified /bsd works flawlessly, instead the hibernation "fails" after a modification with config(8); I just do the following:

sh> config -o /bsd.noulpt -e /bsd
OpenBSD 6.1-current (GENERIC.MP) #44: Thu Aug  3 12:12:07 MDT 2017
   Enter 'help' for information
   ukc> disable ulpt*
   299 ulpt* disabled
   ukc> quit

and then rebooting with /bsd.noulpt and hibernating/resuming, I see the problem.

Does that make any sense?

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