On February 15, 2018 4:57 PM, Tinker <t1...@protonmail.ch> wrote:
> - Do "bioctl -c C -r 8192 -l /dev/sd0a softraid0", type the password

(And this creates sd2.)

> - Run "/install". When asked about device to install on, choose "sd2".

The specific interaction is:

Available disks are: sd0 sd1 sd2.
Which disk is the root disk? ('?' for details) [sd0] sd2
No valid MBR or GPT.
Use (W)hole disk MBR, whole disk (G)PT or (E)dit? [whole] gpt
Setting OpenBSD GPT partition to whole sd2...done.

The next step in the installer is disklabel.

This is where the unnecessary EFI partition sd2i is created.

It's about 430KB and creates no harm in itself, however it could
contribute indirectly to confusion and it is waste.

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