On 2018/03/03 04:52, Klemens Nanni wrote:
> Just upgraded the latest snapshot
> OpenBSD 6.3-beta (GENERIC.MP) #25: Fri Mar  2 14:41:23 MST 2018
> The following ssh_config(5) snippet is now broken:
>       Match exec "echo %n | grep -qxE 'some|nifty|regex'"
>               Include some/config
>       $ ssh some_host
>       Unsupported Match attribute echo
>       /home/kn/.ssh/config line 42: Bad Match condition
> Reverting the following commit fixes this and I can connect again
> regardless of matching:
>       revision 1.124
>       date: 2018/03/02 03:02:11;  author: djm;  state: Exp;  lines: +19 -8;  
> commitid: nNRsCijZiGG6SUTT;
>       Allow escaped quotes \" and \' in ssh_config and sshd_config quotes
>       option strings. bz#1596 ok markus@

Related, I have a bunch of machines with address match lines including quotes:

Match Address ",2001:xxx:xxxx::/48"

It seems this wasn't required before (for some reason I thought it was), but
it was accepted - this now prevents sshd startup until the "s are removed.

Fortunately I discovered this on a machine where I have serial console :-)

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