On 09/05/18(Wed) 07:48, Artturi Alm wrote:
> On Tue, May 08, 2018 at 01:44:39AM +0300, Artturi Alm wrote:

No bug are irrelevant to fix.  But working with you is hard, really
hard.  You never explain what the problem is.  Reading your email is
an exercise in frustration because you can do some good work but you
fail to communicate.

> > (manual "copypaste"):
> > nc2k4hp# sysctl ddb.trigger=1
> > Stopped at  db_enter+0x4:   popl    %ebp
> > ddb{0}> print/x "eax = " $eax "\necx = " $ecx "\n"
> >     3
> > ddb{0}> c
> > ddb.trigger: 0 -> 1
> > 
> > so, for reasons yet unknown to me, p[rint] doesn't seem to work at all
> > like described in the man page, tested on i386.

What do no work?  What does the man page describe?  Do you expect us to
read the man page, then look at your mail again, then try to understand
what is not working? 

> > Should it work? I hope it would.

What should work?  Why do you hope?  Maybe the manpage should be fixed?

> Does feel like waste of time to go any further fixing this, if this is
> yet another bug too irrelevant for anyone to ack for, so _any_ input
> here would be great.

Like I said, no bug are irrelevant but if the one finding the bug, you
in that case, is not willing to properly explain the problem, then
better not send an email at all ;)

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