On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 2:34 AM Florian Obser <flor...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 02, 2018 at 04:22:35PM -0500, Andrew Daugherity wrote:
> > I'm also playing around with a version that accepts "-U user:group" (a
> > la chown), which I think would be preferable to a separate group
> Eww, do you really have a usecase for this? It seems like you would
> only need this if you want to access to fcgi socket from two daemons
> running as different users at the same time.
> I'd prefer to keep the code simple and not have it.

Not currently...  I threw this together as a proof-of-concept thinking
of potential cases where someone might want e.g. nginx:www vs.
nginx:nginx, but as you pointed out, there's no good reason to do that
for the socket.  Maybe for the CGI script user option, but there are
other ways to solve that, e.g. a setgid directory.

So, forget about the user:group parsing then.  I agree: it's not worth
the hassle.

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