On 2018/08/15 10:28, geannie wrote:
> >Have you tried older versions as well or just 6.3 / 6.4-beta? If you've
> >tried older, are they also failing on this machine? Or, if older ones are
> >working, what's the first one that fails?
> Working backwards, I wound up trying 5.5 and 5.6, but I was unable to
> type at the install prompt.
> Next, I successfully installed 5.7 through 6.2. Each of these then
> panicked on mii_phy_setmedia on first boot.

Thanks for testing those, if one of them had booted it would point us
in the direction of a commit that broke things.

> >Did bsd.rd work? Or did you do the install some other way (not directly
> >on the machine, or with bge disabled)?
> bsd.rd worked.
> Booting without hostname.bge0 is enough to boot normally, but dhclient
> or ifconfig causes panic.

Next suggestion is to boot -current (without hostname.bge0) and get
a dmesg that you can copy into an email (either transferring it via
USB stick or another NIC if you have one - USB NICs are often handy
for this) so we can see what the hardware is.

I think the NIC you mentioned as being "Broadcom 762" is actually
BCM5762 but the dmesg would give more accurate information about this.

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