(This was posted before but without any subject (and answers), so let me post 
it properly again)

I have also found out that Firefox does not start (window does not appear) when 
this bug happens, so I will post about this too soon.

>Synopsis:    dhclient cannot get a lease until next reboot
>Category:    system
>Environment: System      : OpenBSD 6.3 Details     : OpenBSD 6.3 (GENERIC.MP) 
>#4: Sun Jun 17 11:22:20 CEST 2018 
>Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64 Machine     : amd64
>Description: [[ really sorry, I cannot disclose much information about my 
>current machine ]] interface em0 fails to negotiate a dhcp lease. when this 
>happens, nothing can be done and reboot is the only solution.
        problem is exactly the same as the thread I linked below:
        verbose dhclient shows that it sends one request every 1 second but 
always fails (see link for output details). tcpdump shows that requests go but 
responses do not come back. other OSes (Windows, Mac OS) have no problem even 
with the same cable (both before and after the problem occurs). finally,
        router reboot does not solve the problem.
        I cannot send you my full system info,
        but please tell me if you need specific information about some of my 
hardware or other stuff.
        I will just paste for now the dmesg line for my network card:
            em0 at pci0 dev 31 function 6 "Intel I219-LM" rev 0x21: msi 
...failed to apply em_phy_no_cable_workaround.
        what does "em_phy_no_cable_workaround" mean?

        link to same problem reported by someone else: 

        Thank you for your patience and your excellent work with this 
miraculously clean/stable/secure OS.

        James KAWASHIMA

>How-To-Repeat: boot and do not plug the em0 ethernet cable in when 
>/etc/netstart searches for a link (at boot)
        until now the bug happened only when booting without the cable plugged 

>Fix: reboot        

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