
On Sat, 2018-08-25 at 15:30 +0000, jgre...@dotclue.org wrote:
> > Synopsis:   root daemons started with ${rcexec} run /root/.profile
> > Category:   system
> > Environment:
>       System      : OpenBSD 6.4
>       Details     : OpenBSD 6.4-beta (GENERIC.MP) #257: Fri Aug 24 13:57:56
> MDT 2018
>                        dera...@amd64.openbsd.org:/usr/src/sys/arch/amd64/compi
>       Architecture: OpenBSD.amd64
>       Machine     : amd64
> > Description:
>       While migrating data from an old (4.6) OpenBSD server, I
>       copied its /root/.profile, and on the next boot, all daemons
>       that run as root failed to start correctly. I traced this
>       to the rcexec definition in /etc/rc.d/rc.subr, which runs
>       "su -l", overriding the HOME=/ setting in /etc/rc.
> > How-To-Repeat:
>       # simple demonstration
>       echo sleep 30 >> /root/.profile
>       reboot
>       # adds about 4 minutes to boot time

Right, /root/.profile is run indeed because of su(1) `-l' for all rc.d scripts.
So adding a sleep in there will delay boot up quite a bit. That's something we
may want to revisit.
That said, to make sure it doesn't hide another problem, could you give us more
information about what your .profile does exactly?



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