On Thu, 26 Dec 2019 19:58:31 -0600
myportslist20190...@nym.hush.com wrote:

> >Synopsis:    "1Password X" extension on Firefox shows 0 passwords
> >When logging into the 1Password X extension, you'll see a brief flash
> > of your vault items (passwords), but after ~100ms they 
> >disappear and are replaced with the text "No items in this vault."
> I had this problem until I changed /etc/login.conf default class to use
> datasize-max=7000M: and datasize-cur=7000M and rebooted. I have
> 8GB RAM and haven't tried lower values yet for datasize-max and -cur.
> ...
> If I go to about:debugging# and This Firefox and UBlock Origin, I
> see 
> "WebAssembly.Memory failed to reserve a large virtual memory region. 
> This may be due to low configured virtual memory limits on this system."

WebAssembly in Firefox is broken because it allocates too much memory.
A Reddit comment from /u/brynet [1] suggests to disable WebAssembly.
"You need to manually set `javascript.options.wasm;false` in Firefox
`about:config`."  I have never tried this and don't know whether it
would fix anything.

I run my amd64 desktop with datasize-cur=8G, though I have only 4G total
RAM.  (I'm in the staff class, says `userinfo kernigh`.)  This is enough
for Firefox to run some small WebAssembly demos [2], but doesn't fix
Twitch video.

[2] https://docs.assemblyscript.org/examples

-- George

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