
I run current. After I run sysupgrade today (GENERIC.MP #626 build Jan 30) it's not possible to run pkd_add. I always get the error
TLS connect failure: failed to set session
signify: gzheader truncated

The error is reproducible on two machines and didn't occur until build #616 (Jan 21).

/etc/installurl points to an internal mirror server. This mirror server runs on Debian/Apache and has a letsencrypt certificate. Maybe the letsencrypt certificate is the root cause. When I switch /etc/installurl to an official OpenBSD mirror (e.g. https://artfiles.org/openbsd/) the error doesn't occur. Also when /etc/installurl points to the internal mirror server using the http instead of the https protocol then there is also no error.

sysupgrade runs without errors against the internal mirror server via https. Also an wget of a package (e.g atk-2.34.1p1) via the https protocol shows no error.

I compared the atk-2.34.1p1 package against an official mirror. There is no difference in the md5sum.

Maybe the pkg_add error has something in common with https://marc.info/?t=157996435100001&r=1&w=2

If there is something I should test/change, please let me know.

Thanks and best regards,

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