On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 12:54:40PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> and fastcgi_temp* settings). I suspect httpd is in the "buffer as much
> as possible" camp (there are no config options relating to this). If
> that's the case then switching to a different web front-end is likely
> the easiest workaround.

It used to, many many years ago. And it happily slurped in GBs worth of
data. People tend to comment when the webserver mops up all available
memory though.

It is limited per connection to
        SERVER_MAX_PREFETCH * clt->clt_sndbufsiz

See server_read() in server.c, line 1005ff
With SERVER_MAX_PREFETCH being defined to 256 in httpd.h.

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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