On 6/2/21 12:21 AM, Bryan Steele wrote:
> Peter Hansteen has an ASUS machine with this too, ASUS have a similar
> page, but he was able to find a BIOS menu option to disable it and
> passthrough the real NVMe controller. See his recent thread about the
> ZenBook S.
> I suspect many of these other machines likely do as well, perhaps
> under the name "Intel Rapid Storage", RST(e) or simply RAID.

On the ASUS ZenBook S, the BIOS option is in the "Advanced" menu,
Advanced -> VMD Setup Menu -> Enable VMD Controller, which is a toggle

Un-wonderful photos at https://photos.app.goo.gl/B1CZoS1QPdUXekiv5 and

That said, having support for using the thing without toggling obscure
BIOS options would be fine with me.

All the best,

Peter N. M. Hansteen, member of the first RFC 1149 implementation team
http://bsdly.blogspot.com/ http://www.bsdly.net/ http://www.nuug.no/
"Remember to set the evil bit on all malicious network traffic"
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