> the install image install72.img have an failure.
> the installation routine can not find the sha256.sig
> file to check the base files with checksum.
> i take a look on the usb stick and i found the sha256
> under 7.2/amd64 but not sha256.sig

You are supposed to verify the whole install72.img before writing it
to the usb stick.

> the installation is only possible without verification of the base files.
> i think this is a security issue for a fresh 7.2 installation.
> when i make a wish. i wish peace, love and unity for the human race and a 
> installation routine with checksum verification of the base files.

If you somehow got a bad/hacked image, the SHA-sum file within that
image would of course match the bad file sets on the image and this
would not get you any security improvement at all.

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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