On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 04:56:24PM -0400, Nuno Vasconcellos wrote:
> I’m sorry Jonathan, the patch actually didn’t work since I had disabled 
> drmradeon in the kernel so I could get a working screen. Once I re-enabled 
> drmradeon and rebooted, I got the same issue.
> I will let you know once I get it working.
> Taking the opportunity, a question on the side, still related to this 
> subject, I noticed that r200 used to show up in a previous version of OpenBSD 
> but it is not in the 7.3 and reading here and there, I noticed that it is 
> related to Radeon 9200, the video card in my macppc. What this «absence» 
> imply?

As mentioned earlier, support for r200 acceleration was removed from the
main branch of the OpenGL library (Mesa).  Kernel support for
modesetting remains.

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