
I've removed to related quotes

On Tue, 21 May 2024 18:09:15 +0100,
Dave Voutila <d...@sisu.io> wrote:
> kir...@korins.ky writes:
> >
> >     My machine had an uptime for about a day with a lot of zzz between
> >     active session of using it. When I've restarted VM with alpine linux
> >     to run docker it consume a lot of CPU by ungoogled-chrome and Xorg.
> You're running Xorg and Chrome inside your Alpine guest? You'll need to
> look at what Linux is saying is consuming CPU. I would not be surprised
> if the performance sucks as vmd is uniprocessor and without any details
> I can only assume Chrome is using a lot of memory and swapping to disk
> while also creating a lot of network IO.
> >     An attempt to close chrome leads to a crash with stack trace (I took
> >     a photo and OCR it, so, text bellow may contains errors):
> >
> Again...what chrome process? Is this X11 forwarding from the guest? It's
> not clear how to reproduce this. It's not clear where this chrome
> process is running.

Nope, I run X11 and Chrome on OpenBSD aka host. Alpine linux aka guest is
runnig only dockerd and related processes. Nothing else.

At the time of crash it hadn't run anything docker container inside, it was
just rebooted.

wbr, Kirill

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