At 07:17 PM 8/21/99 +0300, Georgi Guninski wrote:

>Disable Active Scripting
>Disable Run ActiveX Controls and plug-ins

Actually, the setting that goes right to the heart of this one is "Script
ActiveX Controls Marked Safe For Scripting".  Default for "Internet Zone"
is Enable.  It is probably safest to set it to either disable or prompt.  I
personally would tend to prefer prompt, because it then lets you see who is
trying to do what.  If someone is trying to do rude things to my system, I
generally want to know about it.  Disabling all ActiveX controls is
probably overkill, as the ones that aren't marked safe for scripting can't
be caused to do things remotely.

On some sites, you'll find that you may want this to function, and I'd
consider adding them to the "trusted sites" zone.

David LeBlanc

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