On Wed, 25 Aug 1999, Bill Nottingham wrote:

> Intel:
> rpm -Uvh ftp://ftp.redhat.com/redhat/updates/6.0/i386/vixie-cron-3.0.1-37.i386.rpm

This is my architecture for several boxes that I administer.  I get a user
anonymous access denied message when I try to login with lynx
or wget, (presumably the same reason why rpm fails to download it).  I
tried to access it at:

and found that the actual url is:

s/6.0/your version/;
s/i386/your CPU/g;

presumably a minor change was made after the announcement.  I don't know
if the ftp.redhat.com address works under rpm.  I don't know why user
anonymous is denied from ftp.redhat.com (or even if that was the reason
why rpm failed to get the file, it's error messages are atrocious).


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