1. Abstract:

There is an overflowable buffer in the bing (throughput meassurement
tool) binary.

2. Details:

The bing tool comes with various Linux distributions. On SuSE (at least
6.0-6.4) bing isn't installed by default, but if installed it will be
suid root:

4556   54 -r-sr-xr-x   1 root root 54929 Apr  5  1999 /usr/bin/bing

The buffer overflowed is a 80 byte static local buffer:

char *
        u_long l;
        struct hostent *hp;
        static char buf[80];

        if ((options & F_NUMERIC) ||
            !(hp = gethostbyaddr((char *)&l, 4, AF_INET)))
                (void)sprintf(buf, "%s", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&l));
                (void)sprintf(buf, "%s (%s)", hp->h_name,
                    inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)&l));

It is possible to overwrite (look at the objects article) the global
'objects' hook with data comming from gethostbyname.

The attacker must have controll of at least one IN-ADDR.arpa zone, in
order to force gethostbyname() return an arbitrary host name (wouldn't
be too hard I think...)

The impact is obvious, even if the overflow is hard to exploit in
practice. Another difficulty arises from the fussy gethostbyname(). It
may become impossible to supply a host name you need for successfull
exploitation, because gethostbyname would filter strange characters and
reject bogus hostnames. Though, it depends on the virtual addresses the
programm is running at (hm, what about some run time variables of the
malloc-system or preload stuff?)

Looking at the symbol table I found that:

paul@phoenix:~/tmp2/bing > objdump --syms /usr/bin/bing|grep "0804f4"
0804f4ac l     O .bss   00000001 nrand
0804f4a8 l     O .bss   00000004 lastrand
0804f420 l     O .bss   00000050 buf.34
0804f470 l     O .bss   00000004 old_rrlen.37
0804f480 l     O .bss   00000028 old_rr.38
0804f4b0 l     O .bss   00000004 objects
0804f4c0 g     O .bss   0000ffbc outpack

There are 6 variables which we can overwrite, though. The offset from
buf to objects hook is 144 (dec). To demonstrate this set up a bogus
reverse zone with a revptr like this:


AbCd is the place where 'objects' will be overwritten. A simple check
confirms this:

root@phoenix:/var/named > /etc/rc.d/named start
Starting name server.done

root@phoenix:/var/named > host domain name pointer

root@phoenix:/var/named > bing -v -e1 -c1
BING ( and (
        44 and 108 data bytes
52 bytes from
( Echo Request

116 bytes from
( Echo Request

--- statistics ---
bytes   out    in   dup  loss   rtt (ms): min       avg       max
   44     1     1          0%           9.621     9.621     9.621
  108     1     1          0%           7.477     7.477     7.477

--- statistics ---
bytes   out    in   dup  loss   rtt (ms): min       avg       max
   44     1     0        100%
  108     1     0        100%

not enough received packets to estimate link characteristics.
resetting after 1 samples.
Segmentation fault

This hapens after bing has finished its work and the libc stuff is
beeing executed:

root@phoenix:/var/named > gdb /usr/local/bing
GNU gdb with Linux support

(gdb) set args -v -e1 -c1
(gdb) run
Starting program: /usr/bin/bing -v -e1 -c1
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x804cc36 in __deregister_frame_info (begin=0x804f1e0) at ./frame.c:581

(gdb) bt
#0  0x804cc36 in __deregister_frame_info (begin=0x804f1e0) at
#1  0x8048d01 in __do_global_dtors_aux ()
#2  0x804cf55 in _fini ()
#3  0x400320f5 in exit (status=0) at exit.c:55

3. Impact:

On systems with suid /usr/bin/ping it may be possible under certain
circumstances to gain root priviledges.

4. Solution:

chmod 700 /usr/bin/bing

Paul Starzetz

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