On Wed, 24 Jan 2001, John Wiltshire wrote:

> Note that the PGP implementation uses a device driver (PGPmemlock.sys)
> to lock pages into memory and prevent them from being swapped out.  I am
> unsure as to the motives of the GPG team if they have not implemented a
> similar feature, but smells like FUD to me.

Mainly a lack of time hinders the implementation of such a driver.

And frankly, I don't think it does make much sense to do so because
you can attack 99.9% of all Windows boxes by other and simpler means.
If a customer of mine would demand such a thing, I am going to write
it of course.


Werner Koch                                              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GNU Privacy Guard                                (http://www.gnupg.org)
Free Software Foundation Europe              (http://www.fsfeurope.org)
           [Please see X-* mail header for OpenPGP key info]

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