> Hi,
> This issue has been discussed in vuln-dev (2001-01-26), see:
> http://www.securityfocus.com/templates/archive.pike?end=2001-01-27&tid=15872
> 4&fromthread=0&start=2001-01-21&threads=1&list=82&
> Posted also on suse security list, and aparently overlooked.

Yes, it was overread on [EMAIL PROTECTED], the discussion list.
SuSE's security contact is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is no guarantee that all of the interesting postings on
[EMAIL PROTECTED] can be read. :-(

> The man package that ships with SuSe Linux ( at least versions 6.1 throught
> 7.0 ) has a format string vulnerability. Also debian 2.2r2 ( at least ), is
> confirmed to have the same problem.

We'll fix it. As soon as we can.

Thanks for the note.

> <quote>
> jroberto@spike:~ > man -l %x%x%x%x
> man: 4000bc7438049af00: No such file or directory
> </quote>
> Regards,
> Joao Gouveia
> ------------

 -                                                                      -
| Roman Drahtmüller      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> //          "Caution: Cape does |
  SuSE GmbH - Security           Phone: //       not enable user to fly."
| Nürnberg, Germany     +49-911-740530 // (Batman Costume warning label) |
 -                                                                      -

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