2020 was quite the year, one that saw many changes. As we begin 2021, we wanted 
to send one last note to our friends and supporters at the SecurityFocus BugTraq
mailing list. As many of you know, assets of Symantec were acquired by Broadcom
in late 2019, and some of those assets were then acquired by Accenture in 2020
ms-symantec-cyber-security- services-business.htm). SecurityFocus assets were 
included in this transition, and the mailing list has not been updated since the
work to transition to Accenture began.

The SecurityFocus assets, including the BugTraq mailing list, has a long history
of providing timely information on the latest vulnerabilities, security vendor 
announcements, and exploit information.  We are forever grateful to those who
created, maintained, and contributed to the archive - many of us have connected
and learned from each other through these lists.  The history of the list and 
sharing of the information has contributed to ensuring that we are building the
information security community to be something stronger.  Community contribution
is one of the foundations to building a stronger Information Security force.

At this time, resources for the BugTraq mailing list have not been prioritized, 
and this will be the last message to the list. The archive will be shut down
January 31st, 2021.

For similar information, please refer to some of the following links:

This is where the appropriate geek-like reference and farewell comes in,
something like “So long, and thanks for all the fish”, but that seems too 
cavalier for 
this. So thank you, for your support, wisdom, and willingness to share – 
you are a contributor, reader, or lurker on the list. All of you have made a
difference. Be well, and keep up the good work! 

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