I have just pushed a new way of controlling the make log verbosity to the build-infra repository. Hopefully, it will get integrated into the build and mainline forests further on.

With this new system, the makefile verbosity can be controlled using the LOG variable. LOG can be set to any of "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace" (inspired by log4j log levels). The default is "warn".

* LOG=warn will give you just basic information about build process, and warnings and errors reported by the tools.

* LOG=info will mimick the old makefiles, that is, print each command as it is executed by make. This is helpful for determining tricky errors in the source code, where the error message does not clearly state which file is problematic.

* LOG=debug will display all shell executions (not only when make executes a rule, but also in the internal Makefile logic). This is helpful for debugging Makefile problems. If you want to report a problem with the new build system, please run with LOG=debug to create a full debug log for us. (Note that the log gets extemly large with this setting, so it cannot be attached to an email.)

* LOG=trace displays inner workings of make and is probably not useful except in extreme cases.

As always, the complete build log is saved to the file build.log in your build directory.

The old way of explicitely setting make flags using the VERBOSE variable (e.g. setting it to VERBOSE= to disable the default "-s") is still available but is not recommended.


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