Thought I attached the chart. Here's another attempt.

-- Andreas 

On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:06:17PM +0100, Andreas Lundblad wrote:
> I spent some time measuring the build times of the java modules with 
> different settings.
> Attaching a chart of the result.
> Red bars:
> - Plain old javac. Sjavac disabled.
> Green bars:
> - Sjavac, without breaking up each module into multiple javac invocations. 
> (This is the default setting.)
> Blue bars:
> - Sjavac where each module is split into three parallel javac invocations. 
> (Note that even without this parallelism the build still parallelises on a 
> module level.)
> I did the measurements on my laptop (4 core, i7 @ 2.8 GHz). I measured the 
> "make clean-java; make java-only" so there should have been no native 
> compilations going on in the background.
> I don't think there are any surprises in the chart. Since we're (most of the 
> time) compiling many modules in parallel we get full CPU utilization without 
> splitting each module into smaller parts. When splitting into smaller parts, 
> we get lots of implicit compilation for each part, so we're just wasting lots 
> of cycles. IF however, one were to do this experiment on a, say, 32 core 
> machine, one might actually get a small speedup by splitting (because even 
> when we have lots of modules being compiled in parallel, we have cores to 
> spare). But I'm not sure considering how small most of the modules are.
> -- Andreas

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