
Please review this change, which reorganizes src.zip into modules directories. It also includes the source of any imported modules into src.zip.

If an imported modules contains both sources and classes, the java sources are not recompiled, except for module-info.java. This mimics the current behavior where an imported module only delivers module-info.java in source form.

I changed the definition of the link-file-* macros on Windows to allow symlinks to be created there too. In all cases where these are currently used, the usage is already conditional on not Windows. I'm then able to use the link-file macro to efficiently create a symlinked exploded file directory structure for the module based src.zip. In this case, using Cygwin symlinks is ok since the zip utility is also Cygwin based and will interpret them correctly.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8062810

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8062810/webrev.01


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