The fix in JDK-8199539 works fine for OracleJDK builds but broke the OpenJDK build. The problem is that I used CUSTOM_ROOT as the SRC dir for SetupCopyFiles. This was a bit of a hack together with FLATTEN := true. The idea was that I didn't care about the source dir but just wanted each file listed copied into the dest dir. CUSTOM_ROOT is however only defined in the OracleJDK build so won't work in an open only build. I've reworked this to instead loop over the files and call SetupCopyFiles once for each file to be copied instead.



diff -r 149dc554808c make/copy/CopyCommon.gmk
--- a/make/copy/CopyCommon.gmk
+++ b/make/copy/CopyCommon.gmk
@@ -73,11 +73,12 @@
 #   EXCLUDES : List of filenames to exclude from copy
 SetupCopyLegalFiles = $(NamedParamsMacroTemplate)
 define SetupCopyLegalFilesBody
-  $$(eval $$(call SetupCopyFiles, $1, \
-      SRC := $$(CUSTOM_ROOT), \
-      DEST := $$(LEGAL_DST_DIR), \
-      FILES := $$(filter-out $$(addprefix %/, $$($1_EXCLUDES)), \
-          $$(wildcard $$(addsuffix /*, $$(call FindModuleLegalSrcDirs, $$(MODULE))))), \
-      FLATTEN := true, \
-  ))
+  $$(foreach f, $$(filter-out $$(addprefix %/, $$($1_EXCLUDES)), \
+      $$(wildcard $$(addsuffix /*, $$(call FindModuleLegalSrcDirs, $$(MODULE))))), \
+    $$(eval $$(call SetupCopyFiles, $1_$$(notdir $$f), \
+        DEST := $$(LEGAL_DST_DIR), \
+        FILES := $$f, \
+    )) \
+    $$(eval $1 += $$($1_$$(notdir $$f))) \
+  )


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