Hi Igor,

On 2018-11-01 22:15, Igor Ignatyev wrote:
What release are you targeting? This does not look like a patch that can be applied to jdk/jdk, at least not after JDK-8210958.

When removing the "hotspot-internal" test, please also update make/common/FindTests.gmk, so it does not get added to ALL_NAMED_TESTS. Also, please update the test documentation at doc/testing.md and testing.html. (Update the markdown file, then you can regenerate the html file using "make update-build-docs".)


174 lines changed: 0 ins; 170 del; 4 mod;
Hi all,

could you please review this small clean up which removes 
ExecuteInternalVMTests and VerboseInternalVMTests flags and related make 
targets and tests?

8177708[1-3] is to convert the last of internal vm tests, so the whole 
InternalVMTests can be removed.

JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8213058
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev//8213058/webrev.00/index.html

testing: tier1, build all regular platforms
[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8177708
[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~iignatyev//8177708/webrev.00/index.html

-- Igor

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