yes of the nine build system issues brought up by Magnus and Erik (listed in JDK-8212936 ) , only one has been addressed so far.

This is at the top of the list of remaining issues we will be working ont:
The following additional issues are targeted to be address in the next few 
JDK-8212936     Makefile and other improvements for jpackager
JDK-8212164     resolve jre.list and jre.module.list
I may need some expert help  to implement some of these changes.


On 11/11/2018 3:02 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 10/11/2018 21:59, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
I can't see that you've addressed any of the build system changes Erik and I requested? Or is this just a preliminary review, and you intend to go at least one more round before attempting to push? If so, this was not very clear to me.

I see Andy has a separate issue in JIRA tracking this:

but I agree the bug management around this feature isn't clear to potential reviewers. My guess is he may be using JIRA issues to track feedback/changes between each iteration of the webrev so this is why affects and fixVersion are set to "internal". I think you need to make clear if the make file issues need to be addressed for the initial push - I suspect they do.


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