
You beat me to it. I just found the rc.exe problem was that FIXPATH_PATH in spec.gmk.in was quoted. Make just propagates quotes verbatim, so then fixpath.c would create a path variable like;


Which is why link.exe could not find rc.exe.


On 2018-12-14 16:32, Andrew Luo wrote:
Ok, here's my latest patch (I didn't add your case sensitivity fix yet, but 
will do next patch).  I believe this should get you past the rc.exe issues.



-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Joelsson <erik.joels...@oracle.com>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 4:15 PM
To: Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bur...@oracle.com>
Cc: Andrew Luo <andrewluotechnolog...@outlook.com>; build-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Support for building using WSL (Windows Subsystem for 
Linux) on Windows

On 2018-12-14 16:06, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
14 dec. 2018 kl. 23:42 skrev Erik Joelsson <erik.joels...@oracle.com>:

I found the reason it's not failing make. It returns "1" and 
NativeCompilation.gmk currently ignores 1 explicitly for Visual Studio. I added that back 
in 2014 in https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8065576, but I can't figure out why. 
Nothing mentioned in either comment or review.
Sounds like it's ripe for removal then. :) I wonder what kind of issue you 
might have run into that caused a returned 1 to happen and yet we didn't want 
to consider it a failure...
If I'm to guess, I think it's one of the commands we pipe the output to when 
the output is zero. This would explain why it was added together with pipefail.




On 2018-12-14 13:59, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

On 2018-12-14 22:15, Erik Joelsson wrote:
I get the same error for pch and it still continues, but this time I let it run 
until it eventually fails for real when it can't link. Perhaps it's simply 
cl.exe that isn't returning non zero for this error? When the linker fails, 
make fails, so propagation doesn't seem broken.
That does also seem really weird, considering that it claims it to be a "fatal error". 
Can you repeat the command at the command line and get the failure again, and then check the return 
value? Can you rewrite the command line and run it from the devenv prompt? That is, is there any 
indication that the pch file itself is messed up, or can it be used if running the compilation that 
should use it from an "ok" prompt?


On 2018-12-14 12:55, Andrew Luo wrote:
Hmm, I get the rc.exe error as well, but now it is much later down the line... 
Still investigating...



-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Luo
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 12:34 PM
To: 'Andrew Luo' <andrewluotechnolog...@outlook.com>; Magnus Ihse
Bursie <magnus.ihse.bur...@oracle.com>; Erik Joelsson
Cc: build-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: [PATCH] Support for building using WSL (Windows
Subsystem for Linux) on Windows

Try this updated patch with some fixes...



-----Original Message-----
From: build-dev <build-dev-boun...@openjdk.java.net> On Behalf Of
Andrew Luo
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 12:01 PM
To: Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bur...@oracle.com>; Erik
Joelsson <erik.joels...@oracle.com>
Cc: build-dev@openjdk.java.net
Subject: RE: [PATCH] Support for building using WSL (Windows
Subsystem for Linux) on Windows

I think I have a fix for it.  Give me a minute (or a few hours depending on if 
it works).



-----Original Message-----
From: Magnus Ihse Bursie <magnus.ihse.bur...@oracle.com>
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 11:42 AM
To: Erik Joelsson <erik.joels...@oracle.com>
Cc: Andrew Luo <andrewluotechnolog...@outlook.com>;
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Support for building using WSL (Windows
Subsystem for Linux) on Windows

14 dec. 2018 kl. 20:31 skrev Erik Joelsson <erik.joels...@oracle.com>:

On 2018-12-14 11:05, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

On 2018-12-14 19:41, Erik Joelsson wrote:

On 2018-12-14 10:28, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:

On 2018-12-14 19:23, Erik Joelsson wrote:

I took your patch for a spin, and configure passes, but I get the same build 
error I got with my patch:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open compiler intermediate file:
nt-server\libjvm\objs\build_libjvm.pch': No such file or

This is repeated for every C++ file in Hotspot. I see two issues here. First of 
all, I need to figure out why the compiler will not find the file, which is 
clearly there. Second, why isn't this failure picked up by make? Somewhere the 
return value of cl.exe is disappearing.
Can you build without errors if you disable PCH?
Could you? That is, is it only the PCH that is problematic?
Trying that now.
Also, a wild guess: can it be related to file permissions? Can you read the 
file properly from both WSL and Windows?
It is readable, but it could be something with case. The file is actually 
called BUILD_LIBJVM.pch, but that is also how it's given to the compiler 
command line. Here is the output from DEBUG_FIXPATH:
Weird. What if you, after a failed build, rename it to build_libjvm.pch?
Doing that causes a new error:

cpp : fatal error C1382: the PCH file
ant-s erver\libjvm\objs\build_libjvm.pch' has been rebuilt since
ant-s erver\libjvm\objs\accessBarrierSupport.obj' was generated.
Please rebuild this object

But I think even more important is that make is not getting the error. The 
build just continues until interrupted.
Agree, that's bad.

Does fixpath_debug print exit code? If so, what does it say? If not, we should 
add that instrumentation.


Compiling ad_x86_expand.cpp (for jvm.dll) fixpath input line
ath.exe -w
This starts out quite odd..? -wsl\build\...?
I agree, didn't look into that part.
Also, FWIW, this seems not to have been properly case treated. Which version of 
the patch are you using?
The last one posted by Andrew: "diff15.txt".


pot/v ariant-server/libjvm/objs/BUILD_LIBJVM.pch
-d2Zi+ -wd4800 -WX
70/in clude
-I/mnt/c/PROGRA~2/WI3CF2~1/10/Include/100177~1.0/cppwinrt -O2
-Oy- "-DTHIS_FILE=\"\"" -c
pot/v ariant-server/libjvm/objs/ad_x86_expand.obj
/vari ant-server/gensrc/adfiles/ad_x86_expand.cpp<
fixpath using wsl mode, with path list:
fixpath converted line
tx86/x64/cl.exe -showIncludes
varia nt-server/libjvm/objs/BUILD_LIBJVM.pch -Yuprecompiled.hpp
arian t-server/gensrc/adfiles
arian t-server/gensrc
-Id:/erik/jdk-wsl/open/src/java.base/share/native/libjimage -Z7
-d2Zi+ -wd4800 -WX
nclud e -Ic:/PROGRA~2/WI3CF2~1/10/Include/100177~1.0/ucrt
-Ic:/PROGRA~2/WI3CF2~1/10/Include/100177~1.0/cppwinrt -O2 -Oy-
"-DTHIS_FILE=\"\"" -c
varia nt-server/libjvm/objs/ad_x86_expand.obj
iant- server/gensrc/adfiles/ad_x86_expand.cpp<

An interesting note is that make is rebuilding the pch file on every invocation 
so it too has trouble finding the file.


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