On 2019-02-12 09:01, Robin Westberg wrote:
Hi all,

When generating a compilation database by either "make compile-commands" or "make 
compile-commands-hotspot", every object file that should be built results in a temporary json 
fragment describing the compiler invocation. However, when the final compile_commands.json file is 
assembled, all these temporary files are combined, regardless of whether they belong to the current 
make invocation or were left behind from a previous one.

This has the unfortunate effect that "make compile-commands" followed by "make 
compile-commands-hotspot" generates something very different from an initial invocation of "make 
compile-commands-hotspot". Also, if a source file has been removed, it will still retain an entry in the 
final compile_commands.json file until the build directory is cleaned. This will lead to errors if generating 
an IDE project from the compile_commands.json file.

Proposed solution is to always remove all previous temporary json fragments and 
generate them again. This generation is quite fast and only adds a second or two for 
repeated invocations of "make compile-commands”, which should be a reasonable 
tradeoff for ensuring that the compilation database contains correct information.

Issue: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8218807
Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~rwestberg/8218807/
Looks good to me.

Testing: make test-make-compile-commands, build windows, linux, mac, solaris

Best regards,

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