
  1.) I did not get a warning when I was missing --with-jmh for configure, although it looks like there is supposed to be one (without --with-jmh I got the same access error, but the benchmarks.jar did not exist).

--with-jmh is an optional configure flag, not sure what we could do to
warn here. Perhaps there's some way to ensure certain make targets
depend on the configure having been run with the necessary prerequistes.
Sounds like a fine enhancement.

There seems to be a check for this in make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk [2]:

ifeq ($(JMH_CORE_JAR), )
  $(info Error: JMH is missing. Please use configure --with-jmh.)
  $(error Cannot continue)

But this does not seem to be triggered.

I was hoping to use the framework for Panama, so I'd likely have some native library as dependency of the benchmark. Is there currently any support for building (native) dependencies automatically?

There should be support in the build system _somewhere_, but adding a
native library to a microbenchmark might still be a non-trivial
enhancement to the current implementation. It'd be a great addition,
though. I might have time to help out sometime soon, but I've got my
hands full right now. Perhaps someone else on this list could advice?

The Panama native test sources are being built by 'make/test/JtregNativeJdk.gmk' I'm not sure it's possible to hook directly into that, but maybe it can serve as an example for adding a similar feature to the benchmark suite.

I'll try looking into that.


Thanks for the help!


[2] : http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/6fb43030a1b4/make/test/BuildMicrobenchmark.gmk#l34



[1] : http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/jdk/file/bec6c8739833/make/autoconf/lib-tests.m4#l76

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