Hello,    here is another  comparison for the larger  JDK  shared libs,  this 
time  with the sizes  of   build with linktime-gc (--gc-sections)   added .
( just for the larger libs )
(  I had not  enabled  linktime-gc  for libjvm   in our  test build , just for 
the JDK libs . )

Linuxx86_64 / gcc7

normal / with -flto / with linktime-gc (--gc-sections)
752K / 760K / 752K   ./lib/libawt.so            <------------------ this one 
gets a bit larger but only with flto
472K / 456K / 468K   ./lib/libawt_xawt.so       <------------------ small gain
1.5M / 824K / 900K   ./lib/libfontmanager.so     <------------------ HUGE gain 
, not as good with ltgc but still good
784K / 792K / 784K  ./lib/libfreetype.so        <------------------ this one 
gets a bit larger  (but not with ltgc)
260K / 244K / 252K   ./lib/libjavajpeg.so         <----------------- small gain
196K / 188K / 196K   ./lib/libjava.so
280K / 256K / 276K   ./lib/libjdwp.so             <----------------- small gain
144K / 140K / 136K   ./lib/libjimage.so
564K / 420K / 404K   ./lib/liblcms.so             <----------------- large gain 
,  even better with  ltgc
576K / 496K / 556K   ./lib/libmlib_image.so       <----------------- large gain 
with flto , small one with ltgc
368K / 212K / 236K   ./lib/libsplashscreen.so     <----------------- large gain
320K / 296K / 300K   ./lib/libsunec.so            <----------------- medium gain
23M / 17M   /  --not enabled---    ./lib/server/libjvm.so        
<----------------- big gain maybe because it is C++ ?

So   one can see,  that   flto   is usually  a bit better  than link-time-gc  
when it comes to  improving lib sizes, but not always .
However  linktime-gc   seems to be faster when comparing build times   , I did 
not really notice much  build  time slowdown because of it .
( we have it enabled  for linux  s390x  for some time in OpenJDK ).
The  linktime-gc   also offers a nice feature  to print out the eliminated 
stuff ,   that can be used  to remove  unused code cross-platform .
e.g.  the removed symbols  from   
https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8234629    has been found this way .

Best regards, Matthias

Aleksei, Matthias,

thanks for the numbers. The size reduction on libjvm.so looks not bad, indeed.

Do you know if newer versions of GCC use the gold linker by default? I remember 
from some experiments which I did many years ago that gold was considerably 
faster compared to the default ld linker.

Unfortunately, the documentation I found about LTO/ld/gold [1,2] seems to be 
quite old and not very precise. Do you have gained any experience with LTO/gold 
and know if gold could maybe improve linking times with LTO?

[1] https://gcc.gnu.org/wiki/LinkTimeOptimization
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31688069/requirements-to-use-flto

Baesken, Matthias <matthias.baes...@sap.com<mailto:matthias.baes...@sap.com>> 
schrieb am Mi., 15. Jan. 2020, 07:02:
Hello , I can comment on   the  code size .  This is what I get when comparing  
a build  without  and  with  -flto .

gcc7 linux x86_64  product build, normal / with -flto

du -sh on the *.so files gives :

16K / 16K      ./lib/libattach.so
48K / 44K      ./lib/libawt_headless.so
752K / 760K    ./lib/libawt.so            <------------------ this one gets a 
bit larger with flto
472K / 456K    ./lib/libawt_xawt.so       <------------------ small gain
36K / 32K      ./lib/libdt_socket.so
16K /16K       ./lib/libextnet.so
1.5M / 824K    ./lib/libfontmanager.so     <------------------ HUGE gain
784K / 792K    ./lib/libfreetype.so        <------------------ this one gets a 
bit larger with flto
56K / 56K      ./lib/libinstrument.so
52K / 52K      ./lib/libj2gss.so
20K / 20K      ./lib/libj2pcsc.so
92K / 84K      ./lib/libj2pkcs11.so
12K / 12k      ./lib/libjaas.so
260K / 244K    ./lib/libjavajpeg.so         <----------------- small gain
196K / 188K    ./lib/libjava.so
12K / 12K      ./lib/libjawt.so
280K / 256K    ./lib/libjdwp.so             <----------------- small gain
144K / 140K    ./lib/libjimage.so
84K / 76K      ./lib/libjli.so
16K / 16K      ./lib/libjsig.so
88K / 80K      ./lib/libjsound.so
564K / 420K    ./lib/liblcms.so             <----------------- large gain
12K / 12K      ./lib/libmanagement_agent.so
40K / 36K      ./lib/libmanagement_ext.so
36K / 32K      ./lib/libmanagement.so
576K / 496K    ./lib/libmlib_image.so       <----------------- large gain
112K / 108K    ./lib/libnet.so
100K / 100K    ./lib/libnio.so
16K  / 16K     ./lib/libprefs.so
8.0K / 8.0K    ./lib/librmi.so
60K / 60K      ./lib/libsaproc.so
36K / 32K      ./lib/libsctp.so
368K / 212K    ./lib/libsplashscreen.so     <----------------- large gain
320K / 296K    ./lib/libsunec.so            <----------------- medium gain
72K / 72K      ./lib/libverify.so
44K / 44K      ./lib/libzip.so
16K / 16K      ./lib/server/libjsig.so
23M / 17M      ./lib/server/libjvm.so        <----------------- big gain maybe 
because it is C++ ?

So  for  some libs  you see  10% and more , but not for all .   But  most  
large  libs  like   libjvm.so,  libfontmanager.so      or   liblcms.so    we 
see good results regarding reduced code size.

I Cannot say much about performance improvements , probably it would be small .

For SPEC  you find something at


(not that these results would say too much about  JVM performance ).

Best regards, Matthias

From: Volker Simonis <volker.simo...@gmail.com<mailto:volker.simo...@gmail.com>>
Sent: Mittwoch, 15. Januar 2020 14:40
To: Aleksei Voitylov 
Cc: Baesken, Matthias 
<matthias.baes...@sap.com<mailto:matthias.baes...@sap.com>>; Magnus Ihse Bursie 
 build-dev <build-dev@openjdk.java.net<mailto:build-dev@openjdk.java.net>>; 
Subject: Re: serviceability agent : problems when using gcc LTO (link time 

While we are speaking about all the drawbacks of LTO, it's still not clear what 
the benefits are? In the very first mail Matthias mentioned that there might be 
performance improvements but that performance is not the main driving factor 
behind this initiative. So is it the reduced code size (Matthias mentioned 
something around ~10%)?

It would be nice to see some real numbers on various platform for both, the 
performance improvements for native parts like JIT/GC as well as for the size 
Aleksei Voitylov 
<aleksei.voity...@bell-sw.com<mailto:aleksei.voity...@bell-sw.com>> schrieb am 
Di., 14. Jan. 2020, 09:54:

On 14/01/2020 19:57, Baesken, Matthias wrote:
> Hello  Magnus and Aleksei,  thanks for the input .
> The times you  provided really look like they make a big difference  at least 
> for people  often  building   minimal-vm  .
> Guess I have to measure myself a bit  (maybe the difference is not that big 
> on our linux s390x / ppc64(le) ) .
>> If the change to enable lto by default is proposed, what would be the
>> recommended strategy for development?
> Probably  we should a)   do not enable it by default but just make sure it 
> can be enabled easily and works  for  the minimal-vm
That would be welcome. I have high hopes to LTO the VM some time by
default, and the tendency observed is that the compiler time overhead
for GCC becomes smaller. At the same time there is no reason why vendors
that invested in testing and can absorb the build time hit could provide
binaries with LTO built VMs by passing an additional option flag.
>   or  b)  take it easy to disable it for local development.
> Best regards, Matthias
>> Magnus, Matthias,
>> for me, lto is a little heavyweight for development. x86_64 build time
>> with gcc 7:
>> Server 1m32.484s
>> Server+Minimal 1m42.166s
>> Server+Minimal (--with-jvm-features="link-time-opt") 5m29.422s
>> If the change to enable lto by default is proposed, what would be the
>> recommended strategy for development?
>> For ARM32 Minimal, please keep in mind that it's not uncommon to disable
>> LTO plugin in commodity ARM32 gcc compiler distributions, so for some it
>> does not matter what settings we have in OpenJDK. I believe there could
>> be other reasons for that on top of build time (bugs?).

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