On 2/19/20 1:26 PM, Magnus Ihse Bursie wrote:
> Are there still any realistic scenarios where anyone builds multiple variants 
> of Hotspot in the
> same configuration?
> This was basically introduced for 32-bit builds, where both the server and 
> the client variant of
> Hotspot were built. In Oracle at least, we stopped building multiple JVM 
> variants a long time
> ago.
> Since the build system is taxed with convoluted logic in places just to 
> support this, I’d prefer
> to remove it if it is not used anymore. So, is there anyone out there, still 
> doing this?

My CI builds multiple variants, but in their own separate configurations:

As long as --with-jvm-variants=... accepts a single variant, I am good. It is 
--with-jvm-variant=... then, a minor nuisance to fix in build configs.


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