On 11/19/18 8:39 PM, Kim Barrett wrote:
> I don't see any benefit to making the first C++ code change that uses
> a new feature also incorporate the needed build system changes.
> Indeed, how does one develop that feature usage unless one has the
> build system changes already in hand?
> It seems to me that if the documentation says one can use some new
> language feature but the build system hasn't been updated to actually
> support doing so, then the documentation is wrong. And recall that
> this JEP includes making some new features available immediately.
> (That initial list might be modified as part of this JEP discussion.)

What is the status of this? I thought we'd decide, but I still see


in flags-cflags.m4

I need std::make_unsigned in order to fix some undefined behaviour in
HotSpot. I could implement it myself in share/metaprogramming but if
we've agreed to allow C++14, can we please get it done now? Thx.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <https://www.redhat.com>
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