On 2020-05-13 19:48, Erik Joelsson wrote:
As was pointed out by Adrián Ruiz Arroyo, when signing our macosx builds with hardened runtime enabled, we are currently missing the entitlement for using the microphone. This patch is correcting that. It would be good if I could get help verifying that the microphone is actually usable with this change.

This extra entitlement should only ever bee needed by either the java launcher or a jpackaged app launcher. Because of this, I made a special entitlements file for the java launcher. I also took the liberty of reducing the entitlements granted to the jspawnhelper executable (something we were already doing internally).

Since this also applies to the file bundled with jpackage, I figured we shouldn't be maintaining multiple copies of these entitlements files, so I added a gensrc step to jdk.incubating.jpackage that simply copies the entitlements file used by the build.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8244951

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8244951/webrev.01/index.html
Looks good to me.

Maybe, if anything, I'm not entirely sure about the "hidden", automatic replacement of the default.plist file based on the name of the executable. An alternative here would be to add an extra argument to SetupNativeCompilation that points to a different plist file. I think that would make it more explicit at the creation of jspawnhelper and the java binary, that they are using a non-standard entitlements file.

I'll leave it up to you if you want to keep things as they are in the patch, of if you want to modify it to my suggested behavior.



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