On 2020-05-18 08:09, Choe, Jiwon wrote:

I am adding code to OpenJDK 14 which uses a library that is currently not
part of the JDK build.
I put the .a library file in the directory where all other dependencies are
(/opt/sysroot/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf, since I am doing a
cross-compile), and I naively tried to add a reference to this library in
the build via "--with-extra-cflags" and "--with-extra-cxxflags" at the
configure stage, but I think the build is still failing to locate the
What would be the proper way to add a new library to the build?
Adding a new library is not necessarily as trivially as just adding flags to the command line.

I suggest you take a look at how the libffi library is added to Hotspot when building Zero. Search for LIBFFI_LIBS in the make directory to see how it is setup and used. Use this as inspiration for your own library.



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