Thanks again Jan for looking into and fixing this.

I looked over the new entries last week, and the new MR3 ALPN/PSS items looked good.

My only comment is that as a newbie to this area, the "header" attribute includes the "innerclass" parameters: innerclass isn't an attribute on its own which is what I originally thought.

In particular, our JCE javax.crypto.SealedObject implementation changed between 7 and 8 with the addition of an internal lambda in our implementation code (not part of the API).

    static {
            (obj,c) -> obj.getExtObjectInputStream(c));

AIUI, 8u is the baseline which includes the class/header(+innerclass)/fields/methods attributes. 7u is restating the class/header attributes (the same in the original .java class definition), but didn't mention the innerclass "attribute" in the review.

This generated:

class name javax/crypto/SealedObject
header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable flags 21
innerclass innerClass java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup outerClass java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles innerClassName Lookup flags 19
field name encodedParams descriptor [B flags 4
method name <init> descriptor (Ljava...deleted...

class name javax/crypto/SealedObject
header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable flags 21

Jan explained privately that the header actually includes the innerclass, so restating the header is sufficient, but that wasn't intuitive to me without knowing that detail.

It would be more intuitive to me to see either:

1.  innerclass indented a bit in the original JDK 8 code:

class name javax/crypto/SealedObject
header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable flags 21
innerclass innerClass java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup outerClass java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles innerClassName Lookup flags 19


2. a delta "-innerclass" entry.  e.g.

class name javax/crypto/SealedObject
header extends java/lang/Object implements java/io/Serializable flags 21
-innerclass innerClass java/lang/invoke/MethodHandles$Lookup outerClass

but this may not be correct upon further contemplation.

Anyway, I approve the MR3 (ALPN/PSS) entries, but did not review the symbol creation code.


On 5/18/2020 7:55 AM, Jan Lahoda wrote:

Some new APIs have been introduced in JSR 337 MR3 (JDK 8). We should update the historical data for JDK 8 with these new APIs.

As this was the first time we need to update data for a release that other release data use as a baseline, it was necessary to improve the CreateSymbols tool a little: -adding ability to ignore synchronized and native flags for methods (as these don't affect the API) -when analyzing a new entry (method/field/class), and multiple existing entries compatible with the new one exist, the existing entry that matches the baseline is chosen (this helps to eliminate unnecessary entries, esp. when the synchronized or native flag changes) -when replacing/updating a release data, the original approach was to remove the data for the release, and read them from classfiles, and build the record again from scratch. This does not work well for baseline data, so the new approach is:
--keep all the existing data
--the new data are load into a new auxiliary slot, called "$"
--the old data for the given release are deleted
--the auxiliary release is renamed from "$" to the correct release name

Together these changes allow to minimize the updates to JDK 8 data, to mostly only changes in the MR3, with some extra changes like new/removed overrides (where the superclass has the method that is/was overridden).

The proposed changes to CreateSymbols are:

The proposed updates to the historical data are:

Note the changes only apply for JDK 8 historical data, so JDK 8 data are updated, and JDK 7 and 9 data undo the changes.


The intent is to backport to JDK 11u.

How does this look?



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