On 2020-08-24 19:18, Sergey Bylokhov wrote:
Hi, Erik.

I would like to highlight one thing affected by this fix. The text in the default about dialog in the Swing application will be changed.

For my local build:
 - Current text: "Java Version 1.0 (16)"
 - After the fix: "Java Version 16 (0)"

I am not sure why the build version and as a result the CFBundleVersion is zero?

The CFBundleVersion is supposed to have a version number representing the build number. In a developer build, the "VERSION_BUILD" variable is default 0. In a promoted build, that number is set to the promoted build number. In Oracle promoted builds, we will also have a CI build number, so if this change was in effect, the latest JDK 16 promoted build would have 12.477 in CFBundleVersion.


On 24.08.2020 08:19, Erik Joelsson wrote:
When fixing JDK-8246094, I concluded that our Info.plist files are in a bit of a mess. This patch tries to address this on a more fundamental level.

1. All Info.plist files and templates are moved to the same location in the source tree.

2. The CFBundleIdentifier is changed to no longer contain the version number. Instead it gets the $VERSION_PRE string if present.

3. The CFBundleShortVersionString is changed to the numeric version part of our version string.

4. The CFBundleVersion is changed to the build number (or a custom number if supplied through a new configure argument). For Oracle builds, this will take the form of <promotionBuildNumber>.<InternalCIBuildNumber>.

For more details on why this particular scheme, see bug description, but in short, this is what I think best reflects what the Apple documentation says the fields are for.

Bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8252145

Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~erikj/8252145/webrev.01


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