On 7/12/2020 11:35 pm, Erik Joelsson wrote:

On 2020-12-04 21:22, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Erik,

On 4/12/2020 12:07 am, Erik Joelsson wrote:

In general, I would prefer if a flag like this was just inlined in the SetupJdkLibrary call, as there are no complex conditionals for setting it. Looking a bit further, the variable LIBJSIG_CFLAGS is dead and not set anywhere in the build, so could also just be removed and replaced with your new -D flag.

I thought about just inlining it but it seemed "obvious" that LIBJSIG_CFLAGS existed exactly for this purpose, so I simply set it there - taking care to expand it in case it was set directly on the command-line. It also followed what is done for LIBJLI_CFLAGS.

I can change it if you insist but this code will be very short-lived as I can remove it again in 17 once I no longer need the deprecation warning.

If you think there is a case for overriding this on the command line, then sure, we can keep it. From what I can see, this is just a left over from when some more complicated logic was needed, or these flags needed to be reused somewhere else. In the case of libjli, we reuse the flags in several different versions of the SetupJdkLibrary call for libjli. That said, I won't insist strongly on this.

Thanks Erik I appreciate that as I just want to get this pushed ASAP.



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