On Tue, 10 Jan 2023 06:57:01 GMT, David Holmes <dhol...@openjdk.org> wrote:

> > Forcing 2 reviewers to ensure @dholmes-ora can chime in before moving 
> > forward.
> Well I won't be able to Review as not familiar enough with the code, so 
> you'll need a second reviewer anyway. I don't hate this to the point of 
> outright rejecting it but I do have general concerns about whether we should 
> be directly supporting such tools in our codebase, and if we should whether 
> these are the right tools. So I've asked other hotspot folk to chime in.

I dislike this too. I wondered whether we could hide it behind an "interface 
for asan-like tools", where we have a `os::poison_memory(range)` and 
`os::unpoison_memory(range)` function. Those functions could in turn call 
whatever tool is configured. At least then we don't pollute the code base with 
tool specifics.

Granted, it sounds a bit fig leafy as long as there is only Asan. But if we 
wanted, we could implement a primitive poisoner tool in hotspot by mprotecting 
if the range spans whole pages.


PR: https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/pull/11702

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