On 14/04/2021 13:05, Mick Semb Wever wrote:
>> Then it is easy to use our own Jenkins-stored creds
>> (https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.jenkins.io_doc_book_using_using-2Dcredentials_&d=DwIFaQ&c=adz96Xi0w1RHqtPMowiL2g&r=42Z7FyMoAS1DbvgKNjU8zxi7xTPVAGalPzk7bfmRVgw&m=Oa7qm3rmqlXgK8wUUTEnADpIgZT18tE6W-ghG1QUspU&s=vRKVrs-iZa60eTjfvdc1aggzj_-CyObd2xs70PdN1rs&e=
>>  ), or Infra can
>> give us a pair to use instead.
> Ahh! Do we have rights to store credentials in the ASF jenkins? I was
> under the impression INFRA had to do this for us.

Yes, you can, especially for Cassandra where you have your own separate
build master.

Projects are on the honour system not to use creds they're not supposed
to have access to, which is at least one major reason why CouchDB
requested and received their own CloudBees/Jenkins build master. The
separate build master structure should prevent anyone outside of your
PMC-approved group from creating any jobs on your build server that
might use those credentials inappropriately.


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