

[...truncated 1.27 MB...]
#9 394.7 cachetools==5.3.2
#9 394.7 certifi==2023.11.17
#9 394.7 cffi==1.16.0
#9 394.7 charset-normalizer==3.3.2
#9 394.7 click==8.1.7
#9 394.7 cloudpickle==2.2.1
#9 394.7 crcmod==1.7
#9 394.7 cryptography==41.0.7
#9 394.7 Cython==0.29.36
#9 394.7 deprecation==2.1.0
#9 394.7 dill==
#9 394.7 dnspython==2.4.2
#9 394.7 docker==7.0.0
#9 394.7 docopt==0.6.2
#9 394.7 docstring-parser==0.15
#9 394.7 exceptiongroup==1.2.0
#9 394.7 execnet==2.0.2
#9 394.7 fastavro==1.9.1
#9 394.7 fasteners==0.19
#9 394.7 freezegun==1.3.1
#9 394.7 future==0.18.3
#9 394.7 google-api-core==2.15.0
#9 394.7 google-api-python-client==2.111.0
#9 394.7 google-apitools==0.5.31
#9 394.7 google-auth==2.25.2
#9 394.7 google-auth-httplib2==0.1.1
#9 394.7 google-cloud-aiplatform==1.38.1
#9 394.7 google-cloud-bigquery==3.14.1
#9 394.7 google-cloud-bigquery-storage==2.24.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-bigtable==2.22.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-core==2.4.1
#9 394.7 google-cloud-datastore==2.19.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-dlp==3.14.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-language==2.12.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-profiler==4.1.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-pubsub==2.19.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-pubsublite==1.9.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-recommendations-ai==0.10.6
#9 394.7 google-cloud-resource-manager==1.11.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-spanner==3.40.1
#9 394.7 google-cloud-storage==2.14.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-videointelligence==2.12.0
#9 394.7 google-cloud-vision==3.5.0
#9 394.7 google-crc32c==1.5.0
#9 394.7 google-resumable-media==2.7.0
#9 394.7 googleapis-common-protos==1.62.0
#9 394.7 greenlet==3.0.2
#9 394.7 grpc-google-iam-v1==0.13.0
#9 394.7 grpcio==1.60.0
#9 394.7 grpcio-status==1.60.0
#9 394.7 guppy3==3.1.4.post1
#9 394.7 hdfs==2.7.3
#9 394.7 httplib2==0.22.0
#9 394.7 hypothesis==6.92.1
#9 394.7 idna==3.6
#9 394.7 importlib-metadata==7.0.0
#9 394.7 importlib-resources==6.1.1
#9 394.7 iniconfig==2.0.0
#9 394.7 joblib==1.3.2
#9 394.7 Js2Py==0.74
#9 394.7 jsonpickle==3.0.2
#9 394.7 jsonschema==4.20.0
#9 394.7 jsonschema-specifications==2023.11.2
#9 394.7 mmh3==4.0.1
#9 394.7 mock==5.1.0
#9 394.7 nltk==3.8.1
#9 394.7 nose==1.3.7
#9 394.7 numpy==1.24.4
#9 394.7 oauth2client==4.1.3
#9 394.7 objsize==0.6.1
#9 394.7 orjson==3.9.10
#9 394.7 overrides==7.4.0
#9 394.7 packaging==23.2
#9 394.7 pandas==1.5.3
#9 394.7 parameterized==0.9.0
#9 394.7 pip==23.3.2
#9 394.7 pkgutil_resolve_name==1.3.10
#9 394.7 pluggy==1.3.0
#9 394.7 proto-plus==1.23.0
#9 394.7 protobuf==4.25.1
#9 394.7 psycopg2-binary==2.9.9
#9 394.7 pyarrow==14.0.2
#9 394.7 pyarrow-hotfix==0.6
#9 394.7 pyasn1==0.5.1
#9 394.7 pyasn1-modules==0.3.0
#9 394.7 pycparser==2.21
#9 394.7 pydot==1.4.2
#9 394.7 PyHamcrest==2.1.0
#9 394.7 pyjsparser==2.7.1
#9 394.7 pymongo==4.6.1
#9 394.7 PyMySQL==1.1.0
#9 394.7 pyparsing==3.1.1
#9 394.7 pyproject_hooks==1.0.0
#9 394.7 pytest==7.4.3
#9 394.7 pytest-timeout==2.2.0
#9 394.7 pytest-xdist==3.5.0
#9 394.7 python-dateutil==2.8.2
#9 394.7 python-snappy==0.6.1
#9 394.7 pytz==2023.3.post1
#9 394.7 PyYAML==6.0.1
#9 394.7 referencing==0.32.0
#9 394.7 regex==2023.10.3
#9 394.7 requests==2.31.0
#9 394.7 requests-mock==1.11.0
#9 394.7 rpds-py==0.15.2
#9 394.7 rsa==4.9
#9 394.7 scikit-learn==1.3.2
#9 394.7 scipy==1.10.1
#9 394.7 setuptools==69.0.3
#9 394.7 shapely==2.0.2
#9 394.7 six==1.16.0
#9 394.7 sortedcontainers==2.4.0
#9 394.7 soupsieve==2.5
#9 394.7 SQLAlchemy==1.4.50
#9 394.7 sqlparse==0.4.4
#9 394.7 tenacity==8.2.3
#9 394.7 testcontainers==3.7.1
#9 394.7 threadpoolctl==3.2.0
#9 394.7 tomli==2.0.1
#9 394.7 tqdm==4.66.1
#9 394.7 typing_extensions==4.9.0
#9 394.7 tzlocal==5.2
#9 394.7 uritemplate==4.1.1
#9 394.7 urllib3==2.1.0
#9 394.7 wheel==0.42.0
#9 394.7 wrapt==1.16.0
#9 394.7 zipp==3.17.0
#9 394.7 zstandard==0.22.0
#9 DONE 395.6s

#10 [third_party_licenses 1/4] COPY target/license_scripts /tmp/license_scripts/
#10 DONE 0.1s

#11 [third_party_licenses 2/4] COPY  target/go-licenses/* 
#11 DONE 0.1s

#12 [third_party_licenses 3/4] COPY target/license_scripts /tmp/license_scripts/
#12 DONE 0.1s

#13 [third_party_licenses 4/4] RUN if [ "true" = "true" ] ; then       pip 
install 'pip-licenses<5' pyyaml tenacity &&       python 
/tmp/license_scripts/ ;     fi
#13 1.023 Collecting pip-licenses<5
#13 1.167   Downloading pip_licenses-4.3.3-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (31 kB)
#13 1.194 Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in 
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (6.0.1)
#13 1.194 Requirement already satisfied: tenacity in 
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages (8.2.3)
#13 1.253 Collecting prettytable>=2.3.0 (from pip-licenses<5)
#13 1.289   Downloading prettytable-3.9.0-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (26 kB)
#13 1.354 Collecting wcwidth (from prettytable>=2.3.0->pip-licenses<5)
#13 1.392   Downloading wcwidth-0.2.12-py2.py3-none-any.whl.metadata (14 kB)
#13 1.444 Downloading pip_licenses-4.3.3-py3-none-any.whl (20 kB)
#13 1.489 Downloading prettytable-3.9.0-py3-none-any.whl (27 kB)
#13 1.537 Downloading wcwidth-0.2.12-py2.py3-none-any.whl (34 kB)
#13 3.034 Installing collected packages: wcwidth, prettytable, pip-licenses
#13 3.195 Successfully installed pip-licenses-4.3.3 prettytable-3.9.0 
#13 3.195 WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken 
permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is 
recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
#13 22.52 INFO:root:Successfully pulled licenses for 130 dependencies
#13 22.52 Skip pulling license for  bs4
#13 DONE 22.6s

#14 [stage-2 1/2] COPY --from=third_party_licenses 
/opt/apache/beam/third_party_licenses /opt/apache/beam/third_party_licenses
#14 DONE 0.1s

#15 [stage-2 2/2] RUN if [ "true" != "true" ] ; then       rm -rf 
/opt/apache/beam/third_party_licenses ;     fi
#15 DONE 0.4s

#16 exporting to image
#16 exporting layers
#16 exporting layers 14.1s done
#16 writing image 
sha256:30b3127afea0caab6db22bae0bd5256ef3152e7c3e655fd9b02528a1da1a3218 done
#16 naming to done
#16 DONE 14.1s

> Task :runners:google-cloud-dataflow-java:buildAndPushDockerPythonContainer
WARNING: `gcloud docker` will not be supported for Docker client versions above 

As an alternative, use `gcloud auth configure-docker` to configure `docker` to
use `gcloud` as a credential helper, then use `docker` as you would for non-GCR
registries, e.g. `docker pull`. Add
`--verbosity=error` to silence this warning: `gcloud docker
--verbosity=error -- pull`.


The push refers to repository 
202683a0f42b: Preparing
ce280ef5e535: Preparing
1c2f76f956fe: Preparing
61f852f61afd: Preparing
7a857153ed94: Preparing
16bf9ae4e24a: Preparing
02d14c5fe2c0: Preparing
f1c817089aa8: Preparing
aa19347b89d4: Preparing
a0814d1f5387: Preparing
ac7146fb6cf5: Preparing
209de9f22f2f: Preparing
16bf9ae4e24a: Waiting
f1c817089aa8: Waiting
777ac9f3cbb2: Preparing
ae134c61b154: Preparing
aa19347b89d4: Waiting
02d14c5fe2c0: Waiting
209de9f22f2f: Waiting
ac7146fb6cf5: Waiting
ae134c61b154: Waiting
a0814d1f5387: Waiting
777ac9f3cbb2: Waiting
ce280ef5e535: Pushed
202683a0f42b: Pushed
02d14c5fe2c0: Layer already exists
7a857153ed94: Pushed
f1c817089aa8: Layer already exists
aa19347b89d4: Layer already exists
a0814d1f5387: Layer already exists
ac7146fb6cf5: Layer already exists
209de9f22f2f: Layer already exists
777ac9f3cbb2: Layer already exists
ae134c61b154: Layer already exists
61f852f61afd: Pushed
16bf9ae4e24a: Pushed
1c2f76f956fe: Pushed
20231225142039: digest: 
sha256:250d0672e8a3589b4a72ac8a4196f104901aedced2f2880a8654287678d64131 size: 

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':sdks:java:container:pullLicenses'.
> Process 'command './license_scripts/'' finished with 
> non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with 
Gradle 9.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings 
and determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

For more on this, please refer to
 in the Gradle documentation.

BUILD FAILED in 10m 10s
230 actionable tasks: 149 executed, 71 from cache, 10 up-to-date

Publishing build scan...

The request was rejected.
Gradle Enterprise plugin version 3.16 is newer than the newest version 
supported by Gradle Enterprise 2023.3.4 which is 3.15. Please update to a newer 
version of Gradle Enterprise.

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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