Do you want to start a single node pseudo distributed hbase cluster, or a
fully distributed cluster?

For the former one, you do not need to start hdfs or zookeeper, just type
./ with default configuration is enough. If you want a fully
distributed cluster, and want it to use pre deployed zookeeper and HDFS,
please read this section in our ref guide.

And make sure you have subscribed to the user@hbase or user-zh@hbase
mailing list otherwise you may not receive the response.


Nick dan <> 于2023年6月7日周三 21:48写道:

> Hi,
> I'm doing Hbase 2.4.17 configuration on hadoop 3.2.4  after all the
> configuration when I'm starting on mastr node i'm able to
> see this.
> jps
> 15299 Jps
> 13764 NameNode
> 14981 HMaster
> 14296 ResourceManager
> 15177 HRegionServer
> 14876 HQuorumPeer
> 14063 SecondaryNameNode
> but after going into shell if i'm creating some table it is giving me error
> of *ERROR: KeeperErrorCode = NoNode for /hbase/master.*
> Can you help me how to start hbase.

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