On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 10:31:00AM +0200, Natanael Copa wrote:
> Hi,
> I came across a bug (or feature) in busybox sed when trying to build 
> firefox-29.
> Testcase based on what firefox's configure scripts does:
> NONASCII=$'\246\246'
> echo -e "($ASCII)\n($NONASCII)" | busybox sed 's/$/,/'

The above script is invalid; \246\246 is an illegal sequence and thus
is rejected by regexec. It will work only on non-UTF-8 systems/locales
(which musl does not support).

Please file a bug with Firefox.


P.S. I think you got my response to this on #musl but it's nice to
have the resolution here for the record anyway.
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