Sean Mathews wrote:
In regard to CVE-2014-7169 CVE-2014-6271 looking at busybox-1.22.1/networking/udhcp/dhcpc.c line 403 fill_envp() it seems as if it would be trivial to mess with bootfile and inject a packet that has garbage in the bootfile and exploit this vulnerability.
We should keep in mind that this is a vulnerability in bash, not in busybox. It is unlikely that a system with busybox uses bash as the default shell, and it is unlikely that a system would update busybox, but not bash, so it wouldn't make much sense to add bash protection to busybox. I also assume that busybox bash compatibility doesn't extend to importing shell functions.

In general, I wonder why someone would think importing shell functions is a good idea, and if there is anyone who relies on this feature. I looked at the bash man page, and only found this:
> ...
> If the shell is started with the effective user (group) id not equal to the real user (group) id, ..., shell functions are not inherited from the environment. This would imply that they are imported otherwise, but it is likely that people would read the start of the sentence and skip the rest because the don't use setuid/setgid.

In (bug-bash-gnu) it has been argued that importing shell functions is a feature that almost nobody uses and that should be off by default. I agree with this. Why should a non-interactiv shell import shell functions from the environment? When the shell executes a script, that script can define all the shell functions it needs. Any why would an interactive shell import shell functions? The interactive shell already reads several startup files, these files can be used to define all the desired shell functions.
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