David Henderson wrote:
Good afternoon.  I have several files in two different directories
that I'm trying to copy in a destination using:

cp -f /tmp/test/{a.txt,b.txt,c.txt} /tmp/test2/{1.txt,2.txt,3.txt} /tmp/dest

This keeps failing.  Is this implemented in BB?
In general, and here in particular, it would be useful if you can give more information than "This keeps failing". There probably is an error message, or does it just fail without a message? Grant Edwards' guess about brace expansion was valid, but it seems it was not the cause for this problem, although it would have been a cause if you had indeed used the command you showed as an example. That leads to another advice, if you simplify the failing command, which is a good idea, you should verify that the problem is still the same.

Also, you should not top post to a mailing list.

Regarding your problem, you should use strace to see what happens.
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