
On 04/05/2012 06:30 PM, Florian Fainelli wrote:
> I have been recently caught by an interesting issue, illustrated by the
> following use case:
> "foo" is a cramfs filesystem file which might help illustrate the issue
> 1) loopback mount "foo" to mount /bar
> 2) umount /bar
> 3) append new files and re-generate the "foo" cramfs image
> 4) loopback mount "foo" to mount /bar
> 5) the contents of /bar are the same as in 1) and not 3)
> the reason for this is because busybox has not deleted the "foo" <->
> loopback device mapping, so when we attempt to mount again "foo", the
> mapping is already there, so the loopback device is not deleted then
> re-created.
> Obviously using umount -d in 2) fixes the issue, but I was wondering
> whether it would not be preferable to unconditionnaly delete the
> loopback device upon umount? util-linux does this actually, so other
> users might also be puzzled by such a case.

I'm quoting most of the mail since it has been a while.. this "feature"
hit me today, however from a different angle.

It seems LOOP_CLR_FD called on a loop-*partition* removes the mapping of
the whole *device* - which results in the following:

root@LEDE:/# loop=$(losetup -f)
root@LEDE:/# echo ${loop}
root@LEDE:/# losetup ${loop} /IMAGE
root@LEDE:/# ls -l ${loop}*
brw-------  1 root root     7,   2 Mar  6 20:09 /dev/loop2
root@LEDE:/# partprobe ${loop}
root@LEDE:/# ls -l ${loop}*
brw-------  1 root  root    7,   2 Mar  6 20:09 /dev/loop2
brw-------  1 root  root  259,   8 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p1
brw-------  1 root  root  259,   9 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p2
brw-------  1 root  root  259,  10 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p3
brw-------  1 root  root  259,  11 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p4
brw-------  1 root  root  259,  12 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p5
brw-------  1 root  root  259,  13 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p6
brw-------  1 root  root  259,  14 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p7
brw-------  1 root  root  259,  15 Mar  6 21:59 /dev/loop2p8
root@LEDE:/# mount ${loop}p8 /MOUNT       # mount loop partition
root@LEDE:/# losetup -a | grep $loop      # loop dev mapping still there
/dev/loop2: 0 /mnt/IMAGE
root@LEDE:/# strace umount /MOUNT 2> /log # unmount loop partition
root@LEDE:/# losetup -a | grep ${loop}    # loop device mapping is gone
root@LEDE:/# grep -i loop /log
open("/dev/loop2p7", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = 3
ioctl(3, LOOP_CLR_FD)                   = 0

The strace was done to figure out, if maybe umount wrongly ioctl()'s the
parent device instead of the partition - it doesn't.

I already wasn't a fan of umount implicitly removing the mapping in the
first place (as I usually setup and release loop devices with `losetup`
and scripts needed to call umount differently in order to work and
outside busybox).

However taking above (kernel-)behaviour into account - umount calling
ioctl(LOOP_CLR_FD) unconditionally potentially causes some nasty side
effects, why I'd like to re-open that discussion.



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