
I thought there was a problem related MIME type of html file without
extension, being considered as 'application/octet-stream' by httpd,it
would seems the problem is more specifically that they are attributed a
wrong Content-Type header.

As an answer to that the developer of Datenstrom Yellow suggested a
patch for httpd: No Content-Type header if MIME type is unknown

Here is a link to the patch diff :

That would solve the issue with html files without extension being
attributed the wrong Content-Type header

I know it would have been better to submit changes to busybox git, but I
don't know how.

Note : Looking into that made me wonder, is it possible to change the
MIME type attributed to files without extension from httpd.conf ? I saw
that it is possible to edit Mime type associations for specific
extensions, is there a wild card or something for those without one ?

> Hello,
> I had some trouble using busybox httpd to serve a static website and I
> thought the issue might be of interest.
> My problem is related to something that seem quite common for static
> site generator :  the use of html files without the '.html' extension
> (it is called 'clean url'...)
> Most web server guess that these files are html and display them like
> any other .html files.
>>From what I understood, the MIME type for files without extension in
> busybox htttp default settings is 'application/octet-stream', and
> because of that 'clean url' pages are not displayed.
> It is only trouble because I wanted to deploy my website on freshly
> installed linux without editing any configuration.
> The default MIME setting make sense to me as it is, I just thought that
> might be worth mentioning since the use of 'clean url' seem to be a
> common practice for static sites generators (the one I use is callled
> 'yellow' (https://github.com/datenstrom/yellow))
> Here is a link for the related issue on github :
> https://github.com/datenstrom/yellow/issues/317
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