
I sent a first version of this patch in May 2018, but the comment from Denys in his reply on May 11, 2018 was that he didn't like the magic macros I had used to automatically substitute different versions of single parameter bb_xx_msg() calls, and would prefer explicit use of the simple functions.

I didn't have time to take another look at this until fairly recently, but I've now done a version that explicitly replaces all single parameter versions of bb_xx_msg() calls. As a result this is a very large patch, so I am sending it as an attachment, and I've had to gzip it since my first attempt to send this resulted in a message from the list system saying it was being held for moderation because the message body was too big!

Since this is a large change, and the benefit is fairly small, I'm not entirely sure whether this change is worthwhile, but since I've done then work I thought it was worth submitting it. The size saving is very architecture dependent, and only gets you a significant saving on PPC and x86_64. I found it to be as follows (for 'defconfig' using GCC 7.4):

     Arm:     -92 bytes
     MIPS:    -52 bytes
     PPC:   -1836 bytes
     x86_64: -938 bytes


James Byrne

Attachment: 0001-libbb-reduce-the-overhead-of-single-parameter-bb_err.patch.gz
Description: application/gzip

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