Quick update: I've tried all these docker base images: 
busybox:1.3{4,5,6}-{musl,uclibc,glibc} and I can only reproduce the failure in 
1.36 - but it does fail with all three stdlib variants.

These docker images contain the core dump:


You can look at these images without downloading them by using 

Here are some direct links to browse the filesystem of in those images (and see 
the cores):


My dockerfile is now very simple: 
The workflow is here: 

Peter - I have been able to get gdb going on the core file but I'm not 
experienced enough to be able to get much out of it when the binary is stripped 
and optimised like this. I can disassemble address ranges in the core dump with 
like "disassemble $fp-32, $fp+32" but I'm out of my depth. I'll look into 
getting a shell on the GitHub Actions runner to debug it in real time.

> On 1 Mar 2023, at 7:34 AM, Peter Faasse <p.faa...@chello.nl> wrote:
> On dinsdag 28 februari 2023 23:17:19 CET ben.busy...@backplane.be wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having an intermittent issue with "BusyBox v1.36.0 (2023-01-03 22:49:12
>> UTC)" (the one from the Docker image busybox:musl) when running on amd64
>> GitHub actions runner VMs (azure).
>> When I use sha256sum it is getting terminated with SIGILL, Illegal
>> instruction. The issue is hard to reproduce but I have a GitHub actions
>> CI/CD job that I can re-run repeatedly (no changes to code, environment,
>> data input, etc) that will occasionally have the issue. I managed to
>> capture a core dump.
> << snipped >>>
>> Any idea what's going on?
> Bad RAM? H/W (bus) problems?? This smells like hardware problems more than 
> software :-/
> As to analyzing: Is running 'it' with the debugger feasible? Or loading the 
> core dump into the debugger... Then compare 'ok' with 'fail' (from core-dump) 
> to see what / where the problem lurks.
>> Thanks,
>> Ben
> Kind regards,
> Peter
> -- 
> The PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK below is my response to the traditional useless 
> disclaimer found at the end of e-mails.
> This public PGP key is one member of a pair of public/private PGP keys 
> that I have generated on my computer in less than a minute..
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> All e-mail programs support automatically and transparently performing 
> the above-mentioned steps that implement these privacy-enhancing 
> measures, using freely-available tools.
> sZOUT5LrJV9+ebCX2eVh1+n79Z4QuzRDTlsznToON6yA31jK3R057tJcmc4CVSjI
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> 9c1Kv9blom3DbWeqkkTWqWxRT5bnFAVB8xLrFE2sA0D/cFejX/WxMmZXJEPhIZT9
> eKqND7LMGQF/XwIzO11IsyB/7aFD2dfemgNiWf9rD7++knRjrCYPADB1cK6XbD8r
> ZS1tYWlsIGtleSkgPHAuZmFhc2UxQGNoZWxsby5ubD6JATgEEwECACIFAlFgk6cC
> BcaMxXsdkKH78Y2yIwVkPCSpHHsnrYQUBOPqUF2i0iimEgol0NwN4BD4OOsuUmmG
> y2re9HzmIL+AwtqMg8JPw3Pw1d1+MzRldKm4f7cZMhi0p78xvi6bCaFNBAqJHD97
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> P7TRavdtdCNX0sl7OlN5Go2O9jWt2igsiiyjS2KlytCVONRilH1FAMaXtcPs/KU9
> tvOxHkbVz6bfXOg=
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